Christmas Eve Mass & Pageant:  December 24th at 5pm

Christmas Day Mass:  December 25th at 8:30am

Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God:  December 31st at 5pm

The Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Holy mother of God:  January 1st at 11am

All are Welcome and Invited

An Ecumenical Service in Preparation for Christmas

A Community Christmas Service presented by Sour Lake area churches

Sunday, December 16th at 5pm at Our Lady of Victory Church

A reception will follow the service in the Parish Hall

Give families in need a reason to give thanks this season and help our CCD classes create a Thanksgiving basket.

Each CCD class will be creating and decorating one Thanksgiving Basket for a family in our community that is in need this year.

Items that NEED to be included:

  1. Instant Mashed Potatoes
  2. Stove Top Stuffing
  3. Canned Cranberries
  4. Canned Yams/Sweet Potatoes
  5. Marshmallows
  6. Canned Green Beans
  7. Frenches Onions
  8. Cream of Mushroom Soup

*Any Non-Perishable food items may be added with the above items*

  ie: Pie ingredients, Jell-O, pancake mix, other canned veggies, Oven bags, Turkey pans(Disposable), Paper plates, ETC…

Baskets will need to be ready for delivery by November 18th and can be dropped off at he Parish Office.

Sunday – October 7th 

We’ll celebrate our patronal feast day with a sung Mass at 10:30am followed by a barbecue dinner.  There will be games for youth.


Plans are underway to revive our Youth Ministry. There will be an organizational meeting to discuss the high school and middle school CYO programs on Sunday, August 19, in the parish hall, immediately following the 10:30 Mass. All interested parents are invited. For questions, please contact Deacon Clay.

RCIA – A Journey of Faith

A new year of journeying in the Catholic Faith will begin on Tuesday, September 18, from 7 to 8 pm in the parish hall. Please contact Amanda or Father Ross if you would like to become an inquirer or a sponsor.

It’s that time of year again! Our Lady of Victory’s Religious Education year is gearing up to start on Sunday, September 9th at its new time at 9:15am-10:15am. Classes are for PreK to Adult. Parents please fill out and return a registration form to Mrs. Amanda via a basket in the entrance of the Church, mail: P.O. Box 1359 Sour Lake, TX 77659, or drop it off at the Parish Office. Forms will be available here on facebook, our website, and in the entrance of the Church.


Our Lady of Victory Parish 

is hosting a VBS Program called:

Set Sail with The Holy Trinity

for children four years old through sixth grade.

Jr. High and High School Students are encouraged to volunteer to help.

Parents are encouraged to register their children for FIVE FUN FILLED days of exciting lessons, cool crafts, fun games, upbeat music, hands on activities and delicious Irish snacks.

The program will be held on July 9th – 13th from 8:30am till 12:00pm in the Parish Hall

*We will be attending Mass each Morning*

Don’t miss out on this spiritual adventure of a lifetime!  You can fill our a registration form and return it to the office or in the collection basket.

All children are welcome to attend regardless of church affiliation.

SP Promo Registration Form

St. Joseph Altar

A Labor of Love

Sunday, March 18th at 12pm to 2pm in the Parish Hall

All are invited to share the prayers and festivities as we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Joseph.

“May St. Joseph always smile upon you!”

On Saturday, March 10th at 5pm to 7pm in the Parish Hall our local Knights of Columbus Council 11151 will be cooking up some mud-bugs.  Each bag comes with 5 lbs. of delicious crawfish, corn, and potatoes for $30.                                        Take out or Eat in.   

All tickets must be purchased in advance and go on sale on March 3rd.             So please approach one of the KC members at church after Mass.