Monthly Youth Ministries Meeting

Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 3:00pm-5:00pm

Attention Parents!!

There will be NO CCD

Sunday, November 24th & Sunday, December 1st

Class will resume on Sunday, December 8th at 9:15am

It’s that time of the year again!  Mrs. Amanda is signing up parish youth to help celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ at Christmas Eve Mass.  If your child(ren) wish to be in our Christmas Pageant please let Mrs. Amanda know by the 8th of December.  There will be a costume fitting and practice on Sunday, December 15th after Mass.

*Christmas Eve Mass will be Tuesday, December 24th at 5pm*

CCD starts back up on September 8th at 9:15am

Please come register your kiddos August 24th & 25th at the Ministries Fair after Mass or on the first day of CCD.

Be sure to pick up to check out our August Newsletter and other linked items down below as we have made some changes this year you will need to know.

August 24th and 25th after Masses in the Parish Hall

come learn about our various ministries here at Our Lady of Victory.

Our Lady of Victory is hosting a Catholic Kidz Camp Program called:

Parade Around the Our Father with St. Joseph of Cupertino

for children 4 years old through 6th grade.  Parents are encouraged to register their children for 5 FUN-FILLED DAYS of exciting lessons, cool crafts, fun games, upbeat music, hands-on activities, and delicious snacks.

The program will be held on:

July 15th-19th at 8:30am till 12:00pm in the Our Lady of Victory Parish Hall

Don’t miss out on this spiritual adventure of a lifetime!

All children are welcome to attend regardless of Church affiliation 

Registration forms are located in the entryway of the Church, the link down below, and on our Facebook page.  Please return via:  red basket in the entryway, mail to P.O.Box 1359 Sour Lake, TX 77659, or hand deliver to Mrs. Amanda during CCD time.


OF Promo Registration Form


All parishioners are invited to the new rectory BFA Kickoff Social Saturday, February 16th at 6pm.

Please RSVP the Parish Office so we can plan for the meal

Sunday, December 16th at 11:30am in the Parish Hall

Friday, December 21st at 4:30pm in the Church