On Saturday, March 10th at 5pm to 7pm in the Parish Hall our local Knights of Columbus Council 11151 will be cooking up some mud-bugs.  Each bag comes with 5 lbs. of delicious crawfish, corn, and potatoes for $30.                                        Take out or Eat in.   

All tickets must be purchased in advance and go on sale on March 3rd.             So please approach one of the KC members at church after Mass.  


Confessions are heard every Wednesday in Lent from 5:00pm to 5:45pm.

Stations of the Cross are prayed every Friday at 6pm.

Come join us for a night at the OLOV Movie Theater

Saturday, February 10th at 6pm in the Parish Hall.

All Parish Families are invited

There will be Food, Fun, and Lots of Laughs as we watch a movie (PG Rating) together as a Parish Family.


Spend the Last Evening before Lent at a

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Sponsored by our Knights of Columbus

Tuesday, February 13th at 6pm in the Parish Hall

There is no cost, but donations will be accepted.

Please join us on Sunday, December 10th at 6:30am

“Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,

and Let your faithful ones bless you.”

(Psalm 145:10)

Parish Epiphany Social Event

January 7th after 10:45 Mass

The Parish has begun accepting nominations for the Pastoral Council.  Please consider nominating a suitable person to serve on the Council, the body of parishioners which assists the Pastor in planning for the parish.  If you have someone in mind, first get his or her permission and then submit the name in writing to the office.  Nominations close on November 29th with elections to follow the weekend of December 2 & 3.

Parents!  Mark your calendars for the begining of CCD Sunday, September 10th at 9:30am.  There are registration forms in the back of the Church as well as on our Facebook CCD Event page.  Don’t miss out on a wonderful opportunity to educate your children in the Catholic Faith.