We will be celebrating our St. Joseph Altar in the Parish Hall Sunday, March 19th (His Feast Day) after the 11am Mass.
2 weeks prior we put a request in the bulletin for parishioners to donate their cooking expertise to furnish the altar with various items, making cookies, vegetables, desserts, ect. We will also include some original Sicilian receipts. Remeber it is a MEATLESS meal!
We would like to invite anyone that would like to help with the preparation of the Altar.
Friday, March 17th we will be setting up tables and chairs, dressing the Altar and tables
Saturday, March 18th we will decorate the Altar, put cookies in bowls to be put on the Altar. There is always thing to be done!
Sunday, March 19th we will need help serving drinks, cooking the pasta, serving in the kitchen, cleaning up, breaking down the tables.
!!This is a great service hours opportunity Parsh Teens!!
If you would like to help in any way please contact the Parish Office.
All are welcome to the Altar!! Any donations will be given to our local Caring Christians Sharing Mission